Support us
As something new, we have started to support the children in their families when there is at least one parent who is able to take care of the children. Families are usually extremely poor, and hampered by various disabilities that make them unable to support themselves.
It costs DKK 200 per. md. pr. family for daily necessities and 100, - pr. md. pr. children for schooling.
Write to yrsa@sunwaychildren.dk
For only DKK 100 a year, you can become a member of the support association for the Sunway Children Trust. At the same time you get the opportunity to receive our newsletter.
As a support member, you are first and foremost helping to maintain the possibility that sponsor contributions, gifts and other contributions are deductible.
It is also possible to sign up for a company membership. Amount DKK 400 annually.
'EVERY DROP IN THE SEA HELPS,' the Dalai Lama has said.
We are also grateful for one-time contributions - large and small.
There are always new needs to be met.
Pt. we are building our own orphanage on our own land. Construction has come a long way, but we still lack funds for all furniture.
We have saved up for a school bus, but a smaller vehicle is also needed
You also have the opportunity to become an active member of the support association. The task of the support association is to raise funds for the operation and maintenance of the orphanage. This is done primarily through sponsorships, sponsorships, gifts, fundraising and activities.
As a volunteer, you can either be elected to the board or actively participate in committee work.
Contact the support association's chairman Finn Rasmussen: bestyrelsesformand@sunwaychildren.dk