Meet Anuj
It's Anuj in a gray t-shirt and black jacket
Hi, my name is Anuj
I'm the first to move from Sunway, I did that in 2017, I work in a company that distributes packages and has a less senior position, it's quite far from Bodh Gaya, almost 1800 km.
I moved into the orphanage in 2005, my mother is dead and my father is blind. I was not so good at school, so I decided together with Yrsa not to study further and instead get a job.
Sunway Children Home is a very great place to grow up, and once you enter, you will always belong to Sunway. I live in another city far away, but my soul is still there - in the orphanage where my brothers and sisters live. I often have contact with them and visit the orphanage whenever possible.
I can not imagine what would have happened to me if Yrsa had not taken me in when I was a little boy. I am proud to be Yrsa's "first son".
Now that I have a job and earn my own money, I will do anything to help Sunway Children.